1. Billy The Kid, Orchestral Suite From The Ballet: Introduction: The Open Prairie
2. Billy The Kid, Orchestral Suite From The Ballet: Street In A Frontier Town
3. Billy The Kid, Orchestral Suite From The Ballet: Mexican Dance And Finale
4. Billy The Kid, Orchestral Suite From The Ballet: Prairie Night (card Game At Night)
5. Billy The Kid, Orchestral Suite From The Ballet: Gun Battle
6. Billy The Kid, Orchestral Suite From The Ballet: Celebration (after Billy's Capture)
7. Billy The Kid, Orchestral Suite From The Ballet: Billy In Prioson - His Escape
8. Billy The Kid, Orchestral Suite From The Ballet: Billy In The Desert (waltz)
9. Billy The Kid, Orchestral Suite From The Ballet: Billy's Death
10. Billy The Kid, Orchestral Suite From The Ballet: The Open Prairie Again
11. Facsimile, Choreographic Essay, For Orchestra (from The Ballet): Opening: Alone At The Beach
12. Facsimile, Choreographic Essay, For Orchestra (from The Ballet): The First Man Enters
13. Facsimile, Choreographic Essay, For Orchestra (from The Ballet): The Second Man Enters
14. Facsimile, Choreographic Essay, For Orchestra (from The Ballet): Quarrel
15. Facsimile, Choreographic Essay, For Orchestra (from The Ballet): Alone Again At The Beach
16. Fall River Legend, Ballet: Prologue
17. Fall River Legend, Ballet: Waltzes
18. Fall River Legend, Ballet: Elegy
19. Fall River Legend, Ballet: Church Social
20. Fall River Legend, Ballet: Hymnal Variations
21. Fall River Legend, Ballet: Cotillion
22. Fall River Legend, Ballet: Desperation
23. Fall River Legend, Ballet: Murder
24. Fall River Legend, Ballet: Epilogue