1-14. The Carnival of the Animals - Saint-Saens
15. The hen - Rameau
16. The cuckoo - Daguin
17. The fly - F. Couperin
18. The cat1s figuer - D. Scarlatti
19. The porphet bird - Schumann
20. Ballet of the unhatched chicks - Mussorgsky
21. The trout - Liszt
22. Goldfish - Debussy
23. Blackbird - Dutilleux
24. The Little white donkey - Ibert
25. From the diary of a fly - Bartok
26. The cat and the mouse - Copland
27. The flight of the bumble-beel - Rimsky-Korsakov
28. The thieving magpie; Overture - Rossin