Side 1
J.S.Bach : St. Matthew Passion
1. My Master and my Lord... Gridr for sin
2. Ah! now is my Saviour gone
3. Have mercy, Lord, on me
4. O Gracious God... If my tears by unavailing

Side 2
J.S.Bach : St. Matthew Passion
1. Ah Golgotha!... See the Saviour`s outstretched hands
with The Bach Choir
The Jacques Orchestra
DR. Reginald Jacques

2. Handel : Rodelinda - Art thou troubled?
3. Handel : Srese - Ombra mai fu
4. Gluck : Orfeo ed Euridice - What is life?
with The London Symphony Orchestra
Sir Malcolm Sargent

5. Mendelssohn : Elijah - Woe unto them
6. Mendelssohn : Elijah - O rest in the Lord
with The Boyd Neel Orchestra
Boyd Neel