자켓상태 : ★★☆

음반상태 : ★★☆


Side 1

1. Sing Unto God 2:50
2. Lamb Of God 5:28
3. How Fair Is Thy Face 4:11
4. Blessed Jesu, Fount Of Mercy 6:37
5. The Paper Reeds By The Brook 2:22
6. Come, Come Ye Saints 2:21


Side 2

1. Crossing The Bar 3:04
2. Lovely Appear 3:45
3. Jesu, Word Of God Incarnate (ave Verum) 2:56
4. For All The Saints (sine Nomine) 4:10
5. Cherubim Song 5:20
6. Of The Father's Love Begotten 4:49