자켓상태 : ★★☆

음반상태 : ★★★


Side 1

1. Part One: The Baptism  4:25
2. Part Two: The Welcoming  4:55
3. Part Three: The Sermon On The Mount  8:24
4. Part Four: The Lord's Prayer  3:40


Side 2

1. Part One: The Way  3:49
2. Part Two: The Road To Jerusalem  6:28
3. Part Three: Trial And Error  8:00
4. Part Four: Galilee  3:35


Side 3

1. Part One: The Gift  5:35
2. Part Two: The Magnificat  4:20
3. Part Three: Welcome A Star  5:07
4. Part Four: Power  4:26


Side 4

1. Part One: The Word  2:48
2. Part Two: The Hour  5:29
3. Part Three: The Children Of Mine  14:17
4. Part Four: The Last Verse