자켓상태 : ★★★

음반상태 : ★★★☆


Side 1

1. Come Again
2. Never Love Unless You Can
3. Oft Have I Sighed
4. If Thou Longst So Much To Learn
5. Fain Would I Wed
6. Sleep, Adam, Sleep
7. Lord, What Is Man?
8. Tell Me Lovely Shepherd
9. My Llovely Celia
10. Where The Bee Sucks


Side 2

1. La Belle Dame Sans Merci
2. Proud Maise
3. O Mistress Mine
4. Rest
5. Pretty Rung Time
6. Linden Lea
7. The Fields Are Full
8. Corpus Christi Carol
9. Down By The Salley Gardens
10. Love's Philosophy