Chants d`Auvergne Vol.2 Series 4 & 5
Fourth Series
1. Jou l`pount d`o Mirabel
2. Oi auai
3. Per l`efon
4. Tchut, tchut
5. Pastorale
6. Lou Coucut

Fifth Series
7. Obal, din lo coumbelo
8. Quand z`eyri petitoune
9. La-haut, sur le rocher
10. He! Beyla-z-y dau fe
11. Postouro, se tu m`aymo Te, l`co, te
12. Uno jionto postouro
13. Lou diziou be

Bachianas Brasileiras No.5 for soprano and cellos
14. Aria
15. Dansa