자켓상태 : ★★☆

음반상태 : ★★★


Side 1

1. Eden Prelude Here In Eden
2. Feelings
3. Eve
4. Friends
5. The Apple Tree (forbidden Fruit)
6. Beautiful, Beautiful World
7. Go To Sleep, Whatever You Are
8. It's A Fish
9. What Makes Me Love Him
10. The Lady Or The Tiger Prelude; I'll Tell You A Truth; Make Way


Side 2

1. Forbidden Love (in Gaul)
2. I've Got What You Want
3. Tiger, Tiger
4. Make Way: Reprise; Which Door?; The Lady Or The Tiger
5. Passionella Prelude; Oh, To Be A Movie Star
6. Gorgeous
7. Who Is She?
8. I Know; Wealth
9. You Are Not Real
10. Finale