자켓상태 : ★★★☆

음반상태 : ★★★☆


Side 1

1. The Rights Of Man-st. Patricks Day-the Rights Of Man
2. Planxty Irwin-am Conra Donn
3. Berendans
4. General Taylor
5. The Flogging Reel-fermoy Lasses
6. Fanny Power-star Of Munster


Side 2

1. Sheebeg And Sheemore
2. Merry Blacksmith-drowsy Maggie-the Wild Irishman
3. O'donnels March
4. Old King Cole-merrily Kiss The Quakers Wife-gleanntan Slide
5. The Hunter's Purse
6. Dicey Riley-when The Cock Crows It Is Day